Cortex Makes User Interface More Accessible, Deepening Their Commitment to a Behavioral-Driven Model

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Our product team is excited to announce the newest change to the Cortex app and platform: an updated, more accessible in-platform user interface. As of March 29, 2022, all Cortex customers will be able to view this update, allowing users to make operational decisions throughout their day with easy-to-use and clear navigation and interface that works with the needs of each individual engineer.

Updated Navigation

The function of the navigation sections remains the same, but our team has worked to create a visual hierarchy to help quickly identify what is most important.

  • Dedicated Top Level Navigation allows you to focus and go deep on one problem at a time.
  • Contextual Sidebar Navigation allows for quick context switching within each feature.

This update lets you select specific pages so that you only have the information you need in front of you.

Today’s List Organization

One of the changes that we are most excited about is the “Today’s List” recommendations. With this new organization, all recommendations and critical actions are quickly and easily found by browsing Today’s List.

This section provides you with a list of what needs to get done each day in order of deadline and importance. Engineers can think of this as their mainstay checklist that will help guide them throughout their day –  a tool that will ensure they have access to the information they need to make informed decisions that will drive efficiency and carbon savings.

Through this updated prioritizing in Today’s List, your operations team will be able to more clearly view startup and shut down recommendations for the day along with seasonal recommendations. These critical tasks are organized by priority so you have access to the information you need when you need it. You can also view how many tasks are critical each day and each season, prioritized by most critical.

Rebuilt Graphs

Next, we have updated the look and improved the functionality of our Electric, Steam, and Gas graphs. 

These graphs now include building recommendations and insights to provide more accurate context, visibility, and functionality all in one place..

These graph design updates are meant to help users with two main goals:

  • Identify upcoming recommendations while watching your building’s energy usage
  • Identify and monitor new opportunities for saving energy throughout the day using

In the past, you have been able to track real time electric and steam usage, where your target should be, and where an energy peak could occur. Now, you are able to see all of those same functions while also having recommendations displayed on the graph, making it easier to keep track of what actions to take when.

Diagnostic Tools

A new diagnostic tool center allows you to see a summarized view of issues occurring across different equipment and floors. For example, if there is a floor that is overcooling or overheating, this feature will help you both detect and solve the issue faster. This means catching issues earlier, leading to fewer tenant complaints and more opportunities to increase building efficiency.


What is the reasoning behind this update?

Our company’s goal is to help the built world eliminate 1TWH of energy use every year. In order to reach that goal with our customers, our development team has prioritized providing the most functional and easy-to-use user experience for your operations team.

We’ve spent months asking our users and customers about their feedback on our platform, and have used that insight to make these interface updates. We heard your feedback, and are excited for you to explore the updates we have made. 

Was there functionality lost from our old user experience?

In this update, there was no functionality lost, but there are improvements to how users interact and use these features. Cortex has dedicated time and research to this update as part of our dedication to combining our machine-learning platform with a behavioral-driven model that empowers engineers with the data and recommendations they need.

Can my building go back to the old layout?

Once this update has rolled out, buildings will not have the option to go back to the old user experience. If you or your operations teams have any questions or concerns regarding the new updates, please contact our team at for further information.

What if I have other questions?

If you have any more questions about this update, please contact for troubleshooting and other inquiries.

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