5 Bryant Park: A model of unified efficiency and sustainability

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5 Bryant Park: A model of unified efficiency and sustainability

Building Spotlight

5 Bryant Park, NYC
680,000 Square Feet
Operational Excellence

Leading vertically integrated real estate manager – Savanna Fund – drives operational excellence by connecting teams in a single source of truth for energy and emissions, driving building efficiency and sustainability at properties like 5 Bryant Park.

The challenge

Savanna, a top-tier real estate manager in New York, faced the dual challenge of improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability while bridging the communication gap between different management levels, from executives to property managers and engineers.

The solution

Cortex’s energy insights platform provides real-time data and insights to teams throughout Savanna’s organization. As a reliable source of truth, it allows teams from the boardroom to the basement to align their efforts in conserving energy, decreasing emissions, and delivering a superior tenant experience.

13% in annual energy savings
600 metric tons CO2 emissions avoided in 2023

Cortex Data, 2023

The impact

Goals cascade down through the organization to drive alignment of effort.

“At Savanna, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting efficient use of energy. Cortex has been a critical tool for us in moving toward carbon reduction and expense reduction across our entire portfolio.”

Nick Bienstock, CEO and Co-founder, Savanna Fund

“Cortex’s presence has primarily resulted in cost savings, particularly in terms of electric and steam energy expenses, which are significant components of a building’s operating budget. By reducing these costs, the building’s net operating income improves, leading to increased income for the owner and their partnerships.”

Susan Curtis, Senior Real Estate Manager, CBRE, 5 Bryant Park

“It makes my job easier by providing start times, which saves money for ownership, and giving us the information and the tools needed to make educated decisions on a daily basis.”

Mark Trio, Chief Building Engineer, 5 Bryant Park

Improve your buildings’ efficiency and sustainability with Cortex today

Take control of your energy outcomes, minimize risk, and protect asset value with Cortex’s energy insight platform. Contact us at info@cortexintel.com to learn more about how Cortex can help your team improve your building’s efficiency and sustainability.

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